Getting started

DHNx is a toolbox for optimization and simulation of district heating and cooling systems.

Using DHNx


If you have a working Python3 environment, use pypi to install the latest oemof version:

pip install dhnx

For Installing the latest (dev) version, clone DHNx from github:

git clone

Now you can install it your local version of DHNx using pip:

pip install -e <path/to/DHNx/root/dir>


Examples are provided here. Also, have a look at the Examples section for some more explanation.

Contributing to DHNx

Contributions are welcome. You can write issues to announce bugs or errors or to propose enhancements. Or you can contribute a new approach that helps to model district heating/cooling systems. If you want to contribute, fork the project at github, develop your features on a new branch and finally open a pull request to merge your contribution to DHNx.

As DHNx is part of the oemof developer group we use the same developer rules, described here.