Thermal Network

The thermal network is the central object in DHNx. It provides a container class that holds a number of components. All available components are defined in components.csv, which is rendered in the following table.

component_class list_name description
Environment environment Environment
Producer producers Heat producer
Consumer consumers Heat consumer
Fork forks Node where several pipes meet
Pipe pipes Pipes representing double pipes (feed and return) that connect nodes

Every component has a number of attributes which are defined in components_attrs/. Each attribute is given a name, type (int, float, str etc.), unit, default value, a description, a status (Input or Output) and requirement (required or optional).

The attributes are presented in detail in the following sections.


Consumers are the nodes where the heat provided by the district heating network is actually used. They are characterized by these attributes:

attribute type unit default description status requirement
id int n/a n/a Unique id Input required
component_type str Consumer Component type Input optional
lat float n/a n/a Geographic latitude Input optional
lon float n/a n/a Geographic longitude Input optional
mass_flow float/sequence kg/s n/a Mass flow Input optional
delta_temp_drop float/sequence kg/s n/a Temperature drop from inlet to return Input optional
zeta_inlet float n/a Localized pressure loss coefficient for inlet flow Input optional
zeta_return float n/a Localized pressure loss coefficient for return flow Input optional


A producer is a general node that provides heat to the district heating network. Producers are described with the following attributes:

attribute type unit default description status requirement
id int n/a n/a Unique id Input required
component_type str Producer Component type Input optional
lat float n/a n/a Geographic latitude Input optional
lon float n/a n/a Geographic longitude Input optional
temp_inlet float/sequence deg C or K n/a Inlet temperature at producer Input optional
zeta_inlet float n/a Localized pressure loss coefficient for inlet flow Input optional
zeta_return float n/a Localized pressure loss coefficient for return flow Input optional


Forks are the nodes where several pipes of the network meet. Forks have the attributes described in the following table:

attribute type unit default description status requirement
id int n/a n/a Unique id Input required
component_type str Fork Component type Input optional
lat float n/a n/a Geographic latitude Input optional
lon float n/a n/a Geographic longitude Input optional
zeta_inlet float n/a Localized pressure loss coefficient for inlet flow Input optional
zeta_return float n/a Localized pressure loss coefficient for return flow Input optional


Pipes imply the feed and return pipes connecting the different nodes of the network. They are characterized by these attributes:

attribute type unit default description status requirement
id int n/a n/a Unique id Input required
component_type str Pipe Component type Input optional
from_node int n/a n/a Node where Pipe begins Input required
to_node int n/a n/a Node where Pipe ends Input required
length float m n/a Length of the Pipe Input optional
diameter float mm n/a Inner diameter of the pipes Input optional
heat_transfer_coeff float W/(m*K) n/a Heat transfer coefficient Input optional
roughness float mm n/a Roughness of pipes Input optional