Source code for dhnx.gistools.connect_points

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

This module holds functions for processing the geometry for setting up
the geometry of a ThermalNetwork based on a street geometry and a table of

This file is part of project dhnx (). It's copyrighted
by the contributors recorded in the version control history of the file,
available from its original location:

This module is not fully tested yet, so use it with care.

SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
    import geopandas as gpd

except ImportError:
    print("Need to install geopandas to process geometry data.")

    from shapely.ops import cascaded_union, nearest_points
    from shapely.geometry import Point, LineString, shape, MultiPoint
except ImportError:
    print("Need to install shapely to process geometry.")

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import logging

from . import geometry_operations as go

[docs]def line_of_point(point, gdf_lines): """Gets index of geometry of a GeoDataFrame, a point is located next to, with a distance lower than 1e-8. Parameters ---------- point : shapely.geometry.Point gdf_lines : geopandas.GeoDataFrame Returns ------- int, float or str : Index of GeoDataFrame or Warning, if no geometry found. """ ind = None for k, l in gdf_lines.iterrows(): if l['geometry'].distance(point) < 1e-8: ind = k if ind is None: return Warning('No line found which has point on it!') return ind
[docs]def point_to_array(point): """Returns the coordinates of a point as numpy.array Parameters ---------- point : shapely.geometry.Point Returns ------- numpy.array() """ return np.array([point.x, point.y])
[docs]def calc_lot_foot(line, point): """ Calculates the lot foot point. Parameters ---------- line : shapely.geometry.LineString point : shapely.geometry.Point Returns ------- shapely.geometry.Point """ s_1 = shape(line).boundary[0] s_2 = shape(line).boundary[1] g_1 = point_to_array(s_1) # end point 1 of line g_2 = point_to_array(s_2) # end point 2 of line x_1 = point_to_array(point) # calculate lotfusspunkt u = g_2 - g_1 # vector of direction n = np.array([u[1], -u[0]]) # normal vector of line x_0 = g_1 # point on line y = x_1 - ( - x_0), n) /, n)) * n lot_foot_point = Point(y[0], y[1]) # # alternative generation via intersection # # (=> intersections point is not exaclty on lines as well) # y = x_1 - 2*( - x_0), n)/, n)) * n # lot_line = LineString([(y[0], y[1]), (x_1[0], x_1[1])]) # lot_foot_point = lot_line.intersection(line) return lot_foot_point
[docs]def create_object_connections(points, lines, tol_distance=1): """Connects points to a line network. Generally, the nearest point of the next line is used as connection the point. Depending on the geometry, there are 3 options, the connection is created: - nearest point is line ending => the connection line starts from this line ending - nearest point is on the next line: a) line endings are outside the tolerance => line is split and the nearest point is used as connection point b) line endings are within the tolerance distance => the next line ending is used as connection point The tolerance distance avoids the generation of short line elements. This is for example the case if two buildings are directly opposite of the street. Using simply the nearest point method could result in very short lines. Parameters ---------- points : geopandas.GeoDataFrame Points which should be connected to the line. GeoDataFrame with Points as geometry. lines : geopandas.GeoDataFrame The line-network to which the Points should be connected. The line geometry needs to consists of simple lines based on one starting and one ending point. LineStrings which contain more than 2 points are not allowed. tol_distance : float Tolerance distance for choosing the end of the line instead of the nearest point. Returns ------- geopandas.GeoDataFrame : The newly created connection lines geopandas.GeoDataFrame : The updated lines (some lines are split. All lines should only touch at the line endings. """ # check linestrings for _, c in lines.iterrows(): if len(c['geometry'].coords) > 2: raise ValueError("The Linestrings must consists of simple lines," " with only two coordinates!") # empty geopandas dataframe for house connections conn_lines = gpd.GeoDataFrame() # iterate over all houses for index, row in points.iterrows(): house_geo = row['geometry'] # the same with the original lines all_lines = lines['geometry'] mergedlines = cascaded_union(all_lines) # new nearest point method ############ ######### n_p = nearest_points(mergedlines, house_geo)[0] # get index of line which is closest to the house line_index = line_of_point(n_p, lines) # get geometry of supply line supply_line = lines.loc[line_index, 'geometry'] # get end points of line supply_line_p0 = Point(list(supply_line.coords)[0]) supply_line_p1 = Point(list(supply_line.coords)[1]) supply_line_points = [supply_line_p0, supply_line_p1] supply_line_mulitpoints = MultiPoint(supply_line_points) if n_p in supply_line_points: # case that nearest point is a line ending 'Connect buildings... id {}: ' 'Connected to supply line ending (nearest point)'.format(index) ) con_line = LineString([n_p, house_geo]) conn_lines = conn_lines.append({'geometry': con_line}, ignore_index=True) else: dist_to_endings = [x.distance(n_p) for x in supply_line_points] if min(dist_to_endings) >= tol_distance: # line is split, no line ending is close to the nearest point # this also means the original supply line needs to be deleted 'Connect buildings... id {}: Supply line split'.format(index)) con_line = LineString([n_p, house_geo]) conn_lines = conn_lines.append({'geometry': con_line}, ignore_index=True) lines.drop([line_index], inplace=True) lines = lines.append( {'geometry': LineString([supply_line_p0, n_p])}, ignore_index=True ) lines = lines.append( {'geometry': LineString([n_p, supply_line_p1])}, ignore_index=True ) else: # case that one or both line endings are closer than tolerance # thus, the next line ending is chosen 'Connect buildings... id {}: Connected to Supply line ending ' 'due to tolerance'.format(index)) conn_point = nearest_points(supply_line_mulitpoints, n_p)[0] con_line = LineString([conn_point, house_geo]) conn_lines = conn_lines.append({'geometry': con_line}, ignore_index=True)'Connection of buildings completed.') connection_lines = gpd.GeoDataFrame(conn_lines, return connection_lines, lines
[docs]def check_geometry_type(gdf, types): """ Checks, if a geodataframe has only the given geometry types in its GeoSeries. Parameters ---------- gdf : geopandas.GeoDataFrame DataFrame to be checked. types : list List of types allowed for GeoDataFrame. """ actual_types = set(gdf['geometry'].type) for type in actual_types: if type not in types: raise TypeError( "Your input geometry has the wrong type. " "Expected: {}. Got: {}".format(types, type) )
[docs]def create_points_from_polygons(gdf, method='midpoint'): """ Converts the geometry of a polygon layer to a point layer. Parameters ---------- gdf : geopandas.GeoDataFrame method : str Method to create a point from a polygon. Returns ------- geopandas.GeoDataFrame : GeoDataFrame with a point geometry. """ if gdf['geometry'].values[0].type == 'Point': return gdf if method == 'midpoint': gdf['geometry'] = gdf['geometry'].centroid return gdf raise ValueError( 'No other method than >midpoint< implemented!' )
[docs]def process_geometry(lines, consumers, producers, method='midpoint', projected_crs=4647, tol_distance=2): """ This function connects the consumers and producers to the line network, and prepares the attributes of the geopandas.GeoDataFrames for importing as dhnx.ThermalNetwork. The ids of the lines are overwritten. Parameters ---------- lines : geopandas.GeoDataFrame Potential routes for the DHS. Expected geometry Linestrings or MultilineStrings. The graph of this line network should be connected. consumers : geopandas.GeoDataFrame Location of demand/consumers. Expected geometry: Polygons or Points. producers : geopandas.GeoDataFrame Location of supply sites. Expected geometry: Polygons or Points. method : str Method for creating the point if polygons are given for the consumers and producers. multi_connections : bool Setting if a building should be connected to multiple streets. projected_crs : EPSG integer code EPSG Coordinate reference system number (eg 4647), which is used for the geometry operations. A projected crs must be used! tol_distance : float Tolerance distance at connection the points to the line network for choosing the end of the line instead of the lot. Returns ------- dict : Dictionary with 4 geopandas.GeoDataFrames: The keys of the Dict are equal to the components of the dhnx.ThermalNetwork: 'forks', 'consumers', 'producers', 'pipes'. """ # check whether the expected geometry is used for geo dataframes check_geometry_type(lines, types=['LineString', 'MultiLineString']) for gdf in [producers, consumers]: check_geometry_type(gdf, types=['Polygon', 'Point', 'MultiPolygon']) # # split multilinestrings to single lines with only 1 starting and 1 ending point lines = go.split_multilinestr_to_linestr(lines) # check and convert crs if it is not already the `projected_crs` lines = go.check_crs(lines, crs=projected_crs) for layer in [producers, consumers]: layer = go.check_crs(layer, crs=projected_crs) layer = create_points_from_polygons(layer, method=method) layer.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True) = 'id' if 'id' in layer.columns: layer.drop(['id'], axis=1, inplace=True) layer['lat'] = layer['geometry'].apply(lambda x: x.y) layer['lon'] = layer['geometry'].apply(lambda x: x.x) producers['id_full'] = 'producers-' + producers.index.astype('str') producers['type'] = 'G' consumers['id_full'] = 'consumers-' + consumers.index.astype('str') consumers['type'] = 'H' # Add lines to consumers and producers lines_consumers, lines = create_object_connections(consumers, lines, tol_distance=tol_distance) lines_producers, lines = create_object_connections(producers, lines, tol_distance=tol_distance) # Weld continuous line segments together and cut loose ends lines = go.weld_segments( lines, lines_producers, lines_consumers, # debug_plotting=True, ) # add additional line identifier lines_producers['type'] = 'GL' # GL for generation line lines['type'] = 'DL' # DL for distribution line lines_consumers['type'] = 'HL' # HL for house line # generate forks point layer forks = go.create_forks(lines) # concat lines lines_all = pd.concat([lines, lines_consumers, lines_producers], sort=False) lines_all.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True) = 'id' if 'id' in lines_all.columns: lines_all.drop(['id'], axis=1, inplace=True) # concat point layer points_all = pd.concat([ consumers[['id_full', 'geometry']], producers[['id_full', 'geometry']], forks[['id_full', 'geometry']]], sort=False ) points_all['geo_wkt'] = points_all['geometry'].apply(lambda x: x.wkt) points_all.set_index('geo_wkt', drop=True, inplace=True) # add from_node, to_node to lines layer lines_all = go.insert_node_ids(lines_all, points_all) lines_all['length'] = lines_all.length "Total line length is {:.0f} m".format(lines_all['length'].sum())) # Convert all MultiLineStrings to LineStrings check_geometry_type(lines_all, types=['LineString']) # ## check for near points go.check_double_points(points_all, id_column='id_full') return { 'forks': forks, 'consumers': consumers, 'producers': producers, 'pipes': lines_all, }