Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8

This module is designed to hold the definition of the central ThermalNetwork
object and its components.

This file is part of project dhnx (). It's copyrighted
by the contributors recorded in the version control history of the file,
available from its original location:

SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

import os

import pandas as pd

from .graph import thermal_network_to_nx_graph
from .optimization import optimize_operation, setup_optimise_investment, \
from .helpers import Dict
from .input_output import CSVNetworkImporter, CSVNetworkExporter, load_component_attrs
from .simulation import simulate

dir_name = os.path.dirname(__file__)

available_components = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(dir_name, 'components.csv'), index_col=0)

component_attrs = load_component_attrs(os.path.join(dir_name, 'component_attrs'),

required_attrs = {
    list_name: [
        attr for attr, specs in attrs.items() if specs.requirement == 'required'
    ] for list_name, attrs in component_attrs.items()

default_attrs = {
    list_name: {
        attr: specs.default for attr, specs in attrs.items()
        if not pd.isnull(specs.default)
    } for list_name, attrs in component_attrs.items()

[docs]class ThermalNetwork(): r""" Class representing thermal (heating/cooling) networks. Parameters ---------- availalable_components component_attrs components sequences results graph Examples -------- >>> from import ThermalNetwork >>> tnw = ThermalNetwork('csv_folder') >>> tnw.is_consistent() True """ def __init__(self, dirname=None): self.available_components = available_components self.component_attrs = component_attrs self.components = Dict({key: pd.DataFrame() for key in available_components.list_name}) self.sequences = Dict() self.results = Dict() self.timeindex = None self.graph = None if dirname is not None: try: self.from_csv_folder(dirname) except ImportError: print('Failed to import file.') def __repr__(self): r""" This method defines what is returned if you perform print() or str() on a ThermalNetwork. """ summary = '' for component, data in self.components.items(): count = len(data) if count > 0: summary += ' * ' + str(count) + ' ' + component + '\n' if summary == '': return "Empty object containing no components." return f" object with these components\n{summary}"
[docs] def from_csv_folder(self, dirname): importer = CSVNetworkImporter(self, dirname) self = importer.load() return self
[docs] def to_csv_folder(self, dirname): exporter = CSVNetworkExporter(self, dirname)
[docs] def to_nx_graph(self): nx_graph = thermal_network_to_nx_graph(self) return nx_graph
[docs] def set_defaults(self): r""" Sets default values on component DataFrames. Returns ------- None """ for component, data in self.components.items(): for default_name, default_value in default_attrs[component].items(): data[default_name] = default_value
[docs] def add(self, class_name, id, **kwargs): r""" Adds a row with id to the component DataFrame specified by class_name. Parameters ---------- class_name id kwargs """ assert class_name in available_components.index,\ f"Component class {class_name} is not within the available components" \ f" {available_components.index}." list_name = available_components.loc[class_name].list_name assert id not in self.components[list_name].index,\ f"There is already a component with the id {id}." # check if required parameters are in kwargs missing_required = list(set(required_attrs[list_name]) - kwargs.keys()) missing_required.remove('id') if bool(missing_required): raise ValueError(f"Required attributes {missing_required} are not given") # if not defined in kwargs, set default attributes component_data = default_attrs[list_name].copy() component_data.update(kwargs) # add to component DataFrame for key, value in component_data.items(): self.components[list_name].loc[id, key] = value
[docs] def remove(self, class_name, id): r""" Removes the row with id from the component DataFrame specified by class_name. Parameters ---------- class_name : str Name of the component class id : int id of the component to remove """ assert class_name in available_components.index,\ "Component class '{}' is not within the available_components." list_name = available_components.loc[class_name].list_name assert id in self.components[list_name].index,\ f"There is no component with the id {id}." self.components[list_name].drop(id, inplace=True)
[docs] def is_consistent(self): r""" Checks that * pipes connect to existing nodes, * pipes do not connect a node with itself, * there are no duplicate pipes between two nodes. """ nodes = {list_name: self.components[list_name].copy() for list_name in [ 'consumers', 'producers', 'forks' ]} for k, v in nodes.items(): v.index = [k + '-' + str(id) for id in v.index] nodes = pd.concat(nodes.values(), sort=True) node_indices = nodes.index for id, data in self.components.pipes.iterrows(): if not data['from_node'] in node_indices: raise ValueError(f"Node {data['from_node']} not defined.") if not data['to_node'] in node_indices: raise ValueError(f"Node {data['to_node']} not defined.") assert data['from_node'] != data['to_node'], \ f"Pipe {id} connects {data['from_node']} to itself" if not self.components.pipes.empty: duplicate_pipes = [ name for name, group in self.components.pipes.groupby(['from_node', 'to_node']) if len(group) > 1 ] assert not duplicate_pipes, ( f"There is more than one pipe that connects " f"{[pipe[0] + ' to ' + pipe[1] for pipe in duplicate_pipes]}") return True
def _list_nested_dict_values(self, d): r""" Unwraps a nested dict and returns a list of all values in the branches of the dictionary. Parameters ---------- d : dict Nested dictionary Returns ------- leaves : list List of all values """ leaves = [] for _, v in d.items(): if isinstance(v, dict): leaves.extend(self._list_nested_dict_values(v)) else: leaves.append(v) return leaves @staticmethod def _are_indices_equal(indices): r""" Compares a list of pd.Index's and asserts that they are equal. Parameters ---------- indices : list List containing pd.Index Returns ------- True """ if len(indices) == 1: print("Only one sequence given. Need more than one time-index to compare.") return True for index in indices[1:]: assert indices[0].equals(index) return True
[docs] def set_timeindex(self): r""" Takes all sequences and checks if their timeindex is identical. If that is the case, it sets the timeindex attribute of the class. If there are no sequences given, the timeindex will keep the default value. """ sequence_dfs = self._list_nested_dict_values(self.sequences) if sequence_dfs: indices = [df.index for df in sequence_dfs] self._are_indices_equal(indices) self.timeindex = indices[0] else: print("No sequences found to create timeindex from")
[docs] def reproject(self, crs): pass
[docs] def optimize_operation(self): self.results.operation = optimize_operation(self)
[docs] def optimize_investment(self, invest_options, **kwargs): oemof_opti_model = setup_optimise_investment( self, invest_options, **kwargs ) self.results.optimization = solve_optimisation_investment( oemof_opti_model )
[docs] def simulate(self, *args, **kwargs): self.results.simulation = simulate(self, *args, **kwargs)